At Wolviston Primary School, we are an inclusive school, embracing the fact that every child is different, and, therefore, the educational needs of every child are different. Our aim is for every child to thrive and maximise their potential, regardless of individual starting point. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive setting where the needs of all pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs (SEN), are met through a broad and balanced curriculum which is inline with The Equality Act 2010 and The Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.

We have a culture of high expectations and aspirations for all our pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs . As part of our robust process to ensure high standards are achieved, we closely monitor and track the progress of all pupil groups, including those at risk of underachievement.

If you are concerned about your child’s learning, please do not worry, we are here to listen and will provide reassurance that we can support you and your child. Your child’s class teacher is the first person to share your concerns with, they know your child well. After discussion they may suggest you speak to the school’s SENDCo (Special Educational & Disabilities Needs Coordinator). Mrs Hawes is the school’s SENDCOs. Mr G. Thirlaway is our SEN Governor and Mrs J. Newton is our Inclusion Governor.
Special Educational Needs and The Graduated Approach
SEND Parent Voice Questionnaire
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 0-25 | Stockton Information Directory
Frequently Asked Questions for Parents and Pupils
How does the school identify children with Special Educational Needs?
All staff at Wolviston Primary know all children very well. This allows any change or concern to be recognised quickly and acted upon. We continually monitor and assess all children very closely, pupils who do not meet expectations are identified swiftly by teachers as those needing extra help, support and intervention. Depending on the individual, children may receive this extra help through individual instruction, focussed intervention programmes or differentiated work.
At the earliest point of concern, teachers, including those who have taught the child previously, will discuss the concern with the SENDCo, Mrs Hawes, and an ‘initial concerns form’ may be completed to record the support being put in place. If progress continues to be concern and the gap widens, discussions between the SENDCo, class teacher and parents/carers will identify whether to place the child onto the SEND register. This decision will only be made once a graduated approach has been followed, alongside consistent intervention and consideration for external assessments have been made.
An Individualised Support Plan (ISP) will then be written for the child, the pupil’s specific SEND area of need, strengths, areas of concern and targets. Targets are identified based on pupil’s individual needs, gaps in their learning and specifically designed to improve outcomes. The ISP will also highlight key interventions and provision which will be provided in order to ensure the pupil is fully supported, in order to improve outcomes and progress. In cases where the teacher continues to have concerns or where pupils are not making progress despite interventions, discussions with the SENDCo to consider if a referral for a specialist assessment is necessary e.g. Educational Psychology, Speech and Language Therapy, Alliance Psychology Services, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS).
How do we involve parents in planning for these needs?
Discussions with parents will happen at the earliest opportunity where concerns initially arise. Together, with parents/carers, teachers will share their concerns and find out whether parents have similar worries. We follow a graduated approach towards identifying pupils with SEND and parents are kept informed every step of the way.
Once a decision has been made to place a child on the SEND register, an ISP will be created, in collaboration with parents/carers and where appropriate alongside the pupil themselves. We aim to take representation from both parent and pupil voice within the process of creating the ISP for each child.
Teachers meet with parents/carers formally three times a year to discuss their child’s progress and complete a SEND review. This will include discussing the support and provision which has been in place, the impact it has had and an opportunity to create a new plan and targets for the next term. If any new of further concerns arise in between meetings, parents/carers may request an additional meeting by arranging an appointment to discuss their child, often with the SENDCo present. At parents’ evenings the parents are given their child’s targets and can discuss with the teacher ways in which they can support them.
Parents/carers of children assessed by external agencies are welcomed into school to meet with these specialists to discuss the assessment, a copy of which is always sent home.
Who in the school will support my child and how will this be monitored and evaluated?
All support provided to children with SEND follow a graduated approach, in line with the SEND Code of Practice 0-25 years (2014) and the assess, plan, do, review cycle. The main support of pupils with SEND will be provided by the child’s class teacher and our experienced Teaching Assistants, through quality first teaching and targeted intervention. All children learn in their mixed year classroom. Reading, Writing and Maths are taught each morning and all other (foundation) subjects are taught across the afternoons. Our curriculum in not narrowed in any way, children with SEND access the same lessons as other children but receive adaptation to teaching and learning as necessary. Some pupils with high levels of need access individual 1-1 support, this may be delivered by their teacher or highly skilled Teaching Assistant.
Teachers formally report on every pupil’s progress half termly, however discussions with the SENDCo and other senior staff occur frequently. Progress is closely monitored by senior staff during pupil progress meetings. Progress made by pupils receiving specific interventions is analysed separately and ISP targets are reviewed to ensure progress and challenge. Where a child makes accelerated progress, new targets will be issued before the termly review.
Wolviston Primary holds the Healthy Schools Award, this reflects our close working partnership with a number of external Mental Health agencies. Children with an identified social, emotional or mental health need (SEMH) maybe referred for additional support with one of partner agencies. Both Alliance Psychology and The Bungalow Project can offer support to pupils and their families. Staff from both agencies liaise closely with school staff and parents regarding the progress of pupils with whom they are working.
Where external agency support has been sought, there may be a therapist or specialist that comes into school to observe and/or work with your child. This may be an Educational Psychologist, Occupational Therapist, Play Therapist, CAMHS coordinator or Speech and Language specialist.
SEND issues can be discussed primarily with your child’s class teacher and with the school SENDCo, Mrs Hawes. Our Inclusion Governors are Mr Graham Thirlaway and Mrs Julie Newton.
How are the decisions made about the type and amount of provision a young person will need?
The SENDCo, working alongside the class teacher, parents and pupil (where appropriate), can identify ways in which children will be supported and the level of support which should and can be provided in our school. This will be a graduated approach ranging from high quality first teaching and differentiated classroom strategies, small group interventions, personalised targeted interventions up to 1:1 TA support, where available. Provision will always be allocated based on each pupil’s individual SEND needs. Some children may receive short term interventions, some may require longer periods of support. The SENDCo and class teacher will meet with parents to discuss and suggest strategies of how parents/carers can assist their child at home. If the intervention has not resulted in progress a different intervention may be tried and the targets on the ISP will be adjusted.
Where external agencies have been involved, following an assessment, they will make detailed suggestions for both the class teacher and the parents/carers. This advice may relate to details about gaps in learning or to specific provision which is needed. The progress made by each child is tracked carefully and from regular meetings between the SENDCo and the class teacher a decision will be made whether the intervention has been effective. Parents/carers are informed about their child’s progress as and when necessary and at parent consultation meetings. The SEND register is fluid and pupils are deregistered when deemed appropriate.
How will the curriculum be matched to the needs of the young person?
In line with the SEND Code of Practice, Wolviston Primary has high expectations for all children and we aim to enable all pupils to access the full curriculum, through making reasonable adjustments and tailored support and provision. Teachers plan the curriculum so that all pupils are included and make considerations for all pupils’ needs within daily planning. Classroom provision such as overlays, pencil grips, enlarged print, computing programmes, visual aids etc. are provided, where it is felt these would positively impact on pupils’ learning and progress. Our bespoke curriculum has been written for our children here at Wolviston Primary, it is engaging and involves many creative, visual and practical activities. We aim for all pupils, including those with SEND, to achieve the same outcomes as their peers and we use effective classroom strategies, provision, quality first teaching, differentiation, scaffolding and targeted intervention in order to support our pupils. We are proactive in support being provided to ensure our pupils can access the curriculum being offered.
How accessible is the school environment?
There are accessible ramps leading into school at the main entrance, however external access to Class 2 and Class 4 are only accessible by a number of concrete steps. Anyone with accessibility needs, will need to use Early Years entrance. Once inside the school building, all areas: the classrooms, the hall, and shared areas are all accessible. An accessible toilet is available on the main corridor.
How will both the school and the parent know how the young person is doing and how will the school support the young person’s learning?
Pupil progress is continually monitored and is tracked formally at the end of each half term. Parent consultation meetings take place in the autumn, spring and summer terms. A written pupil report is shared at the end of each academic year. Parents of pupils with SEND may discuss their child’s needs at additional meetings with the class teacher, SENDCo and, any outside agencies who may be involved in order to provide feedback. This may be during a meeting or through a written report to parents. Staff, SENDCo and our external partners work closely with parents, to offer strategies and practical advice.
We aim for all pupils, including those with SEND, to achieve the same outcomes as their peers and we use effective classroom strategies, provision, quality first teaching, differentiation, scaffolding and targeted intervention to support pupils’ learning. We are proactive in providing support for our pupils to ensure they can access the curriculum being offered.
Pupils are issued with weekly homework and a reading diary, which we ask parents to access and provide feedback within. Children who may show behaviour that challenges may be given an individual behaviour record which is taken regularly so that parents/carers can support targets set by school.
What support will there be for the young person’s well-being?
The school offers a range of pastoral support. Alliance Psychology Services and The Bungalow Project allow access to a range of services such as: play therapy, family led counselling as well as links with CAMHS.
The school has a clear policy for medicines and has trained staff who will, with parental/carer consent administer first aid. Medicines are stored carefully and pupils needing medicines such as insulin or inhalers are given privacy to administer their own medicines.
Health plans are devised in conjunction with health professionals. Staff receive regular training in the use of epi-pens. All educational visits have a first aider accompanying the visit. All staff adhere to the Safeguarding policies surrounding pupil safety and well-being. Staff attend annual Safeguarding training and are kept up to date with the Keeping Children Safe in Education legislation.
What specialist services and expertise are available at or are accessed by the school?
We have excellent working relationships with external professionals and agencies. These include the Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Team, Occupational Therapy, Visually/Hearing Impaired Service, Alliance Psychology and The Bungalow Project.
Where necessary, we can apply to the local authority’s specialist team for pupils with specific learning difficulties who provide outreach and inclusion support.
What training have the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had or are having?
The SENDCo, Mrs Hawes, is always on hand to meet with teachers to discuss specific pupil needs and offer recommendations, advice, support and can commission training accordingly. Individual staff training is arranged depending on the needs of the pupils in their class.
Staff received regular training in safeguarding, the use of epi-pens, dealing with diabetes, and the use of inhalers. Regular staff CPD is arranged and provided depending on the needs of pupils on our SEND register and where staff feel they would benefit from specific training and development, in order to effectively meet the needs of pupils in their class.
How will the young person be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?
Wolviston Primary School is fully inclusive. All pupils can access the school’s full curriculum, including educational visits and trips. Relevant risk assessments are completed and where the child has a specific need, parents may be asked to accompany them on a visit. All needs will be catered for and the relevant support and provision will be put in place.
How will the school prepare and support the young person to join that particular school and how will it support the transition to the next stage of education and life?
Visits to our school prior to enrolment are warmly welcomed. All parents are invited to a welcome meeting before entry to Nursery or Reception. In addition, all pupils who move into the next year group will undertake transition activities even though they may not be moving classrooms.
We have close links with local secondary schools and pupils take part in a number of activities, hosted by the school as well as the organised transition week before moving to the secondary school. Staff meet with secondary colleagues, to discuss individual cases and hand over all necessary information. SEND children who are transferring to secondary school have their files sent securely to their new school. The SENDCo works closely with the Y6 teacher to identify those pupils which may benefit from implementing an extended transition period. This is then arranged with the secondary school.
Where it is felt that pupils with significant needs may require more specialised schooling provision, the SENDCo and class teachers will discuss these concerns with parents prior to Year 6. School options can then be discussed and careful consideration is given as to which school parents may wish to consider. Visits for parents/pupils can then be arranged.
How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to the young person’s special educational needs?
The school endeavours to accommodate every child’s individual needs no matter how diverse. The SEND budget is used to provide extra staffing, re-deployment and resources for SEN pupils. Well-trained teaching assistants provide support, individual and small group support. Training is provided for staff and specific resources are provided when necessary.
The SENDCo, working alongside the class teacher, parents and pupil (where appropriate), can identify ways in which the pupils will be supported and the resources which will be required. This will be a graduated approach ranging from high quality first teaching and differentiated classroom strategies, physical classroom resources, small group interventions, personalised targeted interventions up to 1:1 TA support. Resources will always be allocated based on each pupil’s individual SEND needs in order to meet their needs and help them to achieve improved outcomes.
How does the school know if I need extra help?
Your teacher looks carefully at how you approach and complete your work. By doing so they know if you need any extra help to achieve your targets. Teachers track your progress carefully and know when you are not doing as well as you should be.
What should I do if I am worried about my school work?
If you are worried about your work, you can talk to any adult in and around school.
What should I do if I think I need extra help?
You should tell your teacher or your parent/carer if you are having problems with your work or feel that you need extra help.
How will my school work be organised to meet my individual needs?
Your teacher will make sure that the work you are given is at the right level for you. You should be able to do the work if you try hard and do your best. Sometimes you will do something different from your friends. If you need any extra help or different resources, they will be made available to you. You will be given your own folder with resources you can take with you to every lesson.
How can I get help if I am worried about things other than my school work?
If you are worried about anything you should talk to your teacher, teaching assistant or Mrs Allred (SENCO). They can also help you with any problem you have either in school or at home. If you find it hard to concentrate and this affects your behaviour, they may organise for someone to come into school to support you. They will also meet with your parents to discuss how we can help you.
How will I know who can help me?
You should talk to the member of staff running the activity and/or Mrs. Allred (SENCO)
If I have a disability or additional need how can I join in school activities?
You will be able to join all our clubs but if you need help speak to the member of staff running it and/or Mrs. Allred (SENCO). Any special needs or additional help will be given to you.
How will I be involved in planning for my needs?
You will be able to discuss your work with your teacher who will let you know what you are doing well and how you can improve (your ‘next steps’). You will be assessed on the targets on your SEND Support Plan (SSP) and your new targets discussed with you.
Who will tell me what I can do to help myself and be more independent?
Your teacher and/or Teaching Assistant and your peers will tell you how you can improve your work and behaviour. You may also be given a ‘Buddy’ to help you.
How will I know if I am doing as well as I should be?
You will know how well you are doing when you get written and verbal feedback about your work, results from tests, and assessment of your own learning.
How will I be prepared to move onto the next stage of my school life
You will be taught how to organise yourself ready for secondary school and visit the school prior to your enrolment.
What help is there to get ready to start Secondary school?
Before you move to secondary school some of the teachers from your new school may come and talk to you in your primary school. Following on from this, in the summer term, you will visit your new secondary school for a few days.
Click the links below for more information on Stockton Local Authority Local Offer and our own Special Education Needs Information Report.