The curriculum places a strong emphasis on Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar.

At Wolviston Primary we have recognised the need for children to be taught grammar, punctuation and spelling discretely for a number of years and our Year 6’s have performed very well in the GPS SAT each year since it was introduced.  Children are taught the age-appropriate grammar and punctuation through differentiated class lessons and children who have not grasped certain concepts are provided with focussed intervention to help their understanding in areas where they may be having difficulty. We then expect children to apply what they have learnt in their independent writing tasks across the curriculum.

Across Key Stage 1 and 2, emphasis is placed upon children learning their common exception words. Spelling time is regularly used to ensure children can spell these words confidently and use them accurately in their writing. It is also used as a chance to focus on the spelling rules and patterns in their year group.

Spellings are linked to the phases in phonics for Key Stage 1 children and high frequency and ‘tricky’ words are added into the spelling lists. In Key Stage Two the spellings are taken from age- appropriate lists and differentiated according to ability.

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