At Wolviston Primary, staff formally meet parents and carers twice a year, however we are always happy to speak to you when needed. By answering your questions or listening to any concerns you may have, we aim to resolve any worries before they magnify. We know your child well and can suggest solutions or provide tailored support quickly and effectively if necessary.

Parents and carers will be invited into school for a 10 minute consultation. We know, through experience, that this is usually enough time to discuss your child’s progress and to find out how they are doing in school. If more time is needed, parents and carers can request to meet again to discuss specific issues.

During the meeting, class teachers will give an overview of how your child is getting on in and around school. They will inform you about aspects of your child’s development including social, emotional, academic, and physical development as well as discussing academic achievements and ways in which learning can be supported at home.

Attending the Meeting

Class teachers are likely to discuss:

  • How your child has settled in class.
  • What subjects/topics will be covered throughout the term/year.
  • Friendship groups and/or issues that may have come up.
  • Homework – especially if it is being completed well or not been handed in.
  • Reading- how to improve on it, or if your child is reading/being read to regularly.
  • Spellings – test results.
  • Strengths and/or weaknesses in a particular area of the curriculum.
  • An overview of progress in Reading, Writing and Maths.
  • If your child answers/asks questions during whole class sessions.
  • How confident your child is.

Top Tips for Making the Most of Parents Evenings

Here are some tips on making the most of a meeting with your child’s teacher:

  • Don’t be worried about asking questions. We are here to help so please just ask.
  • If you don’t know what a word, phrase or acronym means – please ask.  As teachers, we use these words, phrases and acronyms everyday, and can forget that a parent may not have heard it before, or may not know what it means. We have a list of common acronyms and abbreviations, on our website, that you may find useful.
  • It is not all about academic achievement, ask how your child interacts with other children and who their friends are.
  • Ask how often your child is listened to read at school.
  • Find out what your child’s targets are in Reading, Writing and Maths.  Make sure your child also knows what they are.
  • Find out whereabouts your child is working within the age expected standard. How much progress does the teacher expect your child to make by the end of the year?
  • Ask for suggestions on how you can help your child with their targets at home.
  • Ask what kind of questions you can ask your child at home to help them with their understanding in a topic or subject.
  • Find out if your child has the confidence to ask for help when they don’t understand something?
  • Ask if you can have a look through your child’s workbooks.
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