We place a high value on regular attendance so that children are given the best opportunity to reach their full potential – academically, socially and emotionally. We rely on parental support to achieve this.

If your child is absent please email, telephone or come into school to let us know the reason as soon as possible. We are legally required to follow up any unexplained absences, if no valid explanation is given your child will receive an unauthorised absence mark that will be recorded. If your child’s authorised absence falls below 95% you may be subject to attendance proceedings with our Educational Welfare Ltd officer. Please see school’s attendance policy for further information.

Should your child need to attend a medical appointment we ask that parents and carers arrange these outside of school hours. If you require an emergency appointment, please inform the school.

Why is regular school attendance so important for my child?

Regular attendance at school means that your child can make the most of their education and improve their chances in adult life. A regular and punctual attendance pattern will help your child when they enter the world of work. During your child’s time at Wolviston we will nurture and help them to develop social skills such as making and developing friendships and acquaintances which are vital life skills.

The link between attendance and attainment in school is clear. The more a pupil is in school the more they increase their opportunity to fulfil their potential.


We are legally required to take a register of pupils first thing in the morning and after lunch, in the afternoon. The government advises that the register is kept open for a short period of time. If a pupil is late but the register is still open, they are marked as late. We close our register at 9am. If the register has already closed when a pupil arrives late and without a satisfactory explanation, it may be classed as an unauthorised absence.

Punctuality is really important. For example, if a child arrives 15 minutes late at school each day, they lose almost 2 weeks of education a year.

Parents who choose to take their child out of school without written permission from the school may be issued with a fixed penalty fine.

Attendance Policy 2024-25

Penalty Notice Fines

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I help my child attend school regularly?

  • Talk to your child about school
  • Take a positive interest in your child’s work, including homework
  • Keep in touch with school staff
  • Contact school on the first day of absence if your child is unable to attend for whatever reason
  • Attend parents’ evenings and other school events

What should I do if I’m worried about my child’s school attendance?

The first thing to do is to contact your child’s class teacher to discuss your concerns. If they are unable to help, they may suggest you speak to one of our colleagues at Education Welfare Ltd.

What are my responsibilities regarding my child’s school attendance?

As a parent or carer, it is your responsibility to ensure that any child of compulsory school age attends school both regularly, and on time. The local authority has a duty to make sure that all parents and carers fulfil this responsibility.

What will happen if my child does not attend school regularly?

We closely monitor attendance and punctuality of all our pupils and will contact parents and carers to raise concerns. If no improvement is seen a referral will be made to Education Welfare Ltd. Colleagues are very experienced and support schools to ensure all children have the benefit of maximising access to educational opportunity through regular attendance at school, and that parents fulfil their legal obligations regarding the education of their children.  

How can Education Welfare Ltd help?

The Education Welfare Ltd can:

  • Advise you on your rights and responsibilities regarding school attendance
  • Visit you and your child in your home to discuss difficulties
  • Liaise with school staff on your behalf
  • Meet with your child in school if necessary
  • Accompany you to meetings in school
  • Suggest other agencies that may be able to help
  • Provide information about school transfers

Walking to and from school independently

After discussion between parents and carers and school leaders, children in Class 4, who reside in Wolviston Village, can walk to and from school independently. Parents and carers must give written consent.

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