If your child requires medication during the school day, staff will try to meet the requirement. All medication, prescribed and un-prescribed, must be handed in at the school office. Parents and carers must complete a consent form which authorises a qualified first aider to administer the medicine to their child. A record will be kept of when and how much medicine is dispensed.

Whilst most medication is stored in a locked cupboard, away from children, inhalers and EpiPens are kept in the classroom. When children go outside for play or for PE the class medicine box is taken outside by a member of staff.

Parents and carers should make arrangements to collect the medicine from the school office at the end of the day unless alternative arrangements are made with the school staff.

Staff will only administer medication according to instructions on the packaging. Medication which is loose and not sealed within its original blister pack will not be administered. Please note: The school is unable to administer any medicines that contain Aspirin.

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