
Assessment is a continuous process which is integral to teaching and learning allowing children to reach their true potential. At Wolviston assessment is incorporated systematically into our teaching strategies which promotes better than expected progress for individuals, groups and cohorts. We use the National Curriculum as a starting point for all the teaching and learning experiences that we provide for our children and provide .


  • Monitor and record the attainment and progress of individuals, groups and cohorts
  • Use attainment and progress information to guide teachers’ planning, strategies and use of resources and plan intervention
  • Inform parents and the Governing Body about progress and attainment
  • Ensure a consistent approach to measure progress towards and against national standards

Types of Assessment

This is the ongoing, day-to-day assessment which is carried out by teachers and is key to effective classroom practice. Learning outcomes are shared with pupils and they play an important role through self-assessment of their own learning. Formative assessment, often referred to as marking and feedback, is used by teachers to inform planning, resources, and support in order for all children to progress.

Children in KS1 and KS2 are assessed periodically and progress and attainment data is recorded. Test materials are used to support teachers with making accurate teacher assessment judgements. Assessments are carried out towards the end of every term (three times per year) and are used to monitor the performance of individuals, groups and cohorts as well as identifying gaps and next steps for planning. Data is recorded termly on a tracking system used in school.

At key points through primary school, children are assessed against national expectations. These are:

  • On Entry At the start of Nursery
  • Baselined on entry to Reception
  • End of EYFS (GLD)
  • End of Year 1 (Phonics Screening)
  • End of KS1 (Year 2 SATs)
  • End of KS2 (Year 6 SATs)
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