At Wolviston Primary School we acknowledge that our Early Years classrooms are the launchpad for our childrens‘ educational journey. It is vitally important that we do not waste this opportunity to make it exceptional.

At our school we want our children to feel safe and nurtured. We want them to be curious, to laugh, to take risks and to be inspired every day.

It is our intention that our youngest learners will develop skills and attitudes for lifelong learning, that will extend far beyond the Nursery and Reception classrooms. They will leave Early Years resilient, independent and ready for the next stage of school.

We are passionate that every child, regardless of their starting point, makes progress and achieves a good level of development at the age of 5. We recognise the importance of building strong language and communication skills, as well as a sound knowledge of early number and the world around us . We will celebrate and nurture children’s individual interests and talents enabling all children to feel valued members of our school community.

At Wolviston Primary School we know that parents and carers are a child’s first and most important teachers. We strive to work in partnership with parents and carers in order to obtain the most well-rounded picture of a child.

Early Years Thematic Overview – Key Texts and Rhymes