RE helps to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our pupils, preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. At Wolviston we aim to develop knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other principal religions, traditions and world views. 

​We intend for the teaching of RE to offer pupils the opportunity for personal reflection and spiritual development.  We encourage pupils to explore their own beliefs, whether they are religious or not, in the light of what they learn, examine issues of religious beliefs and faith, and consider their own responses to questions raised. Pupils will develop critical thinking and reasoning skills, listen to others, hear and analyse conflicting viewpoints and develop empathy and respect.

​Through our RE curriculum we encourage respect for all, including those with differing faiths and beliefs, as pupils develop understanding and appreciation of our diverse society and world.  RE helps to challenge prejudice, discrimination and racism.

We have established links with our local parish church. We welcome Rev. David Brooke, and other church leaders, into school and we regularly visit St. Peter’s Church in Wolviston Village to learn of Christian festivals and celebrations and to integrate our pupils into the village community. Links with other faith leaders are growing. It is planned that all children will visit at least two places of worship, before they leave Wolviston Primary School.

Parents who do not wish their children to be taught the agreed syllabus, or to take part in the short acts of worship which are held at school, should let us know so that their children can be excused, and alternative arrangements made.  Regular group meetings for pupils of different faiths can be organised.

Religious Education Curriculum Plan (2024-25 Cycle A, 2025-26 Cycle B)

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