We recognise that from time to time we make mistakes. When a concern arises, we want parents and carers to feel comfortable to discuss the issue with us as soon as possible. It is always our intention to work closely with parents and carers to resolve any issue that may arise.

Where possible, please speak to your child’s class teacher on the day of the concern, hopefully the problem can be quickly resolved. If this is not possible, or you need more time to discuss the matter, you can:

  • contact the office, for an appointment to meet with your child’s class teacher
  • write a letter to the head teacher clearly stating your concern

In the first instance your child’s class teacher will contact you to arrange a mutually convenient time when you can share your concerns and a way to address the issue can be agreed.  If, after this meeting, you feel the problem has still not been resolved, please ask at the office to arrange an appointment with Mrs Hawes, the Head Teacher.

If the concern is regarding Mrs Hawes, please email the chair of governors via enquiries@wolviston.org.uk

Please see our Complaints Policy for further details.  You can view this by clicking here.   

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