Working parents or carers of children aged three to four in England are currently entitled to 30 hours government funded childcare a week. The childcare provider must be approved – so informal providers such as grandparents don’t count – and the support stops when your child starts reception class.

Fifteen of the 30 hours are free for all children and the remaining fifteen hours will be FREE for many parents and carers.. If you are not eligible, any additional hours can be paid for by parents at the rate of £15.00 per day. (3.5 hours = 11.40am – 3.10pm)

If you are interest in the additional provision please see the next steps to be taken:  

  • Parents need to check eligibility and apply online at and will be given a unique code. Parents should then complete the online form and tell school of the 11 digit code and their National Insurance number, so that we can confirm the code with the local authority and secure your additional provision.
  • Applications for additional childcare provision need to be completed in the term before you would like your childcare to begin.

If you have any queries, then please contact Mrs Robinson in the school office.

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